Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Week 3.1

The concept I use for the Art Deco Project is I first to go to poster.com website to look at Art Deco posters help me decide how I wanted to create my own Art Deco Poster. Then I started to draw triangles on sketch paper. I chose to draw a Christmas Tree because when I took Digital Illustration it was closer to Christmas time. The program I used to create the Art Deco Poster in was Illustrator. Illustrator allow me to created this illustration the way I wanted it to be. The reason why I chose this color scheme is because when I felt that the colors red, green black, white, and gold would be good colors to use in a Art Deco poster. I chose the calligraphy typeface because see this type been used before on Christmas cards.

The problems I had with the Art Deco poster was I had a hard time deciding if I wanted to keep the triangles I used for the Christmas tree completely green, and I had a hard time deciding were to place the words on the Art Deco poster. I solve first problem by realizing that it would be good to have half of the Christmas tree to be black and the other half to stay green. I solve the second problem by coming to the conclusion that the words would best fit coming down from each other on the poster.

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