Thursday, April 29, 2010

Week 4.2

The assignment for the Word and Image Juxtapose was to create a list of twenty nouns, and create twenty verbs. The other part of the assignment was to create three word pairs that were provocative, and we had to pick pictures that we felt would help out the word pairs. The concept I used for this project was I had to look at pictures from an art folder,and I had to decide what pictures to used for the Word and Image Juxtapose project. One of the word pairs I chose was fighting cabbage. The reason why I chose the colors green and black for the two pictures is I felt the colors green and black would go good together. I chose the color gold for the words fighting cabbage is I thought gold would make the words fighting cabbage stand out on the backgrounds. Then the reason why I chose Blackletter front is because I thought this front would be good to used on the pictures. I encountered problems with the Word and Image Juxtapose project. The first problem I had with this project is I had a hard time finding the right pictures to used. The second problem I had with the Word and Image Juxtapose project is changing the pictures to different colors.I solved the first problem by finally finding the pictures I felt would be good to used for backgrounds. Also I solved the second problem by finding the right colors to change pictures to.

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