Thursday, May 27, 2010

Week 8.2

The assignments for the eco-resort logo design was to concept and develop branding for a new luxury eco-resort in Costa Rica, come up with a branding statement about my eco resort in Costa Rica, and do research on Costa Rica. The concept I use for this design is I made a list of ten facts about Costa Rica that I could use to help me create my eco resort logo design. I drew thumbnails of plants, vines, and leaves; which that help me to chose to use vines and leaves for my eco resort logo design. I only use one program for this design. The program I used to create the eco resort logo design is Illustrator. The reason why I chose the color scheme of using different shades of green is because I wanted to show the logo going green. Then I chose the colors black and white because one of the logos had to be black and white. I chose the color white as the background color because I felt white would make the vines and leaves stand out in the design.

Another thing is I chose Harrington front for the word Botánico. I chose the front Harrington for the word Botánico because I wanted to show the word looking like vines. I chose to name my eco resort Botánico because the resort will be near Costa Rica’s two national parks where they both have rain forest. After that I had problems with the eco resort logo design. The first problem I had with this logo design is I could not decide on what design to use for the logo I was creating for my eco resort. The second problem I had with the logo design is picking a front that will work for my eco resort logo design. I solved the first problem by deciding on a design that would be good to use for my eco resort. I solved the second problem by finally finding a front that would be good to use for the eco resort logo.

Week 8.1

The assignment for the triangle monogram is to create three monograms sets using your three initials, and format each design using three shapes like square, circle, and triangle. The other part of the assignment is to allow the letters of my three initials to appear intertwined, overlapped, and consider positive/negative space, alignment and value. The concept I used for the triangle monogram design is I drew several thumbnails of triangles and I drew my three initials to come up with different ways to place my three initials in the triangle. I only used one program for this design, and the program I used for the triangle monogram design is Illustrator. The reason why I chose the colors black and white is because I thought the colors black and white would show positive and negative space. The reason why I used the front Helvetica is because I felt the front Helvetica would make my three initials stand out in the triangle.

Another thing is I had problems with the triangle monogram design. The first problem I had with this design is using colors for my three initials and the background. The second problem I had with the triangle monogram design is choosing a typeface. The third problem I had with this design is placing my three initials in the triangle the way I want it to be. I solved the first problem by deciding to use the colors black and white for the triangle monogram design. I solved second problem by finally finding a good typeface to use for my three initials. I solved the third problem by finding a way to place the letters of my three initials in the triangle. After that I went on the website to read Charlie B. Johnson blog on redesigning famous logos. I wrote what I like about his blog, which I wrote I like the fact that the pictures on his blog were place in the center. Also I wrote that I the new logo design for skittles.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Week 7.2

The assignment for the circle monogram design is to create three monogram sets using your three initials, and the letters of your three initials should appear intertwined, and overlapped. The other part of the assignment is to consider positive /negative space, alignment, and value. The concept I used for this project is I drew thumbnails of my three initials in different arrangements to come up with three sets of monogram designs. I had to use three shapes like square, circle, and triangle to place the three designs in. The circle monogram design is one of the monogram designs I created in Graphic Symbolism class. I only use one program for this project. I used Illustrator to create the circle monogram design. The reason why I chose the colors black and white is because I felt the colors black and white would show the positive and negative space of the three initials of the circle monogram design.

Another thing is the front I used for this project is Lucida Calligraphy Italic. I used Lucida Calligraphy Italic front because I felt the front would fit the inside of the circle better. I had one problem with the design. The problem I had with the circle monogram design is I had a hard time fitting my three initials in the circle. I solved the problem by finally being able getting my three initials to fit the curve of the circle.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Week 7.1

The assignment for the quotation type design poster is to choose a quote, poetry, haiku, song lyric that has twenty-five words or less, and it has to very expressive of emotion, history, personality, or of a place and time.The other part of the assignment is to do the opposite of what the quote said. The concept I use for the quotation type design poster is I chose the song called "Life is a Highway". Then I wrote the song lyrics out on a piece of paper going diagonally one the paper;which I did this because I wanted to see way I could place the song lyrics on the poster. I only used one program for this poster. The program I used for the quotation type design poster is Illustrator. I used Illustrator to create the quotation type design poster. After that the reason why I chose to used the colors red, neon green, blue, neon yellow, and black is because I felt those colors would be the opposite of night colors.
Another thing is I chose two different fronts for the quotation type design poster. The two fronts I used for the poster is Banco Std Roman and Impact Std Roman fronts. I chose those fronts because the Banco Std Roman and Impact Std Roman fronts look like roads on a highway. I did encounter problems with this poster. The first problem I had with the quotation type design poster is deciding if I wanted to have the song lyrics criss cross each other on the poster. The second problem I had with this poster is deciding on a good front to used for the poster. I solved the first problem by finally deciding that it would be a good to crisis cross the song lyrics on the poster. I solved the second problem by deciding on two fronts I thought would be good to used for the quotation type design poster. Later I went on the website to Charlie B. Johnson's blog on taking photographs during the day and night. Also I wrote on his blog that I like the fact that he talk about the difficulties of taking pictures during the day and night.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Weeek 6.2

The assignment for the brand and personal logo design is to develop our own brand and logo design. The other part of the assignment is to look at three websites that will help us get an idea how to started creating our own brand and our own logo design. The concept I use for my brand and logo design is I went to the websites that my professor told me to go to. Looking at those websites gave me the idea to look at the logo designs I created in Graphic Symbolism class. I had to write my three initials out to come up with a good logo design. After that I thought about what I wanted my brand name to be, and my brand name is TVJ Designs. TVJ Designs is a design company that creates posters and t-shirts designs. I only used one program for the brand and logo design. The program I used to create the brand and logo design is Illustrator.

Another thing is the reason why I chose the colors black and white to used for the logo design is I felt black and white would help logo design stand out. I used the color white for my three initials because I wanted to have the letters fill out the negative space of the background color I used. I chose Helvetica front because I used black for my brand name because I thought the color black would make my brand name stand out better. I used the front Helvetica because the front made my brand name and logo design stand out better. I had problems with creating a logo design. The first problem I had is I could not decide how to come up with a good logo design to create with using my three initials in my name. The second problem I had is I could not get the letters to be place in the square the way I wanted them to be. I solved the first problem by finally coming up with a logo design that would work for me. Also I solved the second problem I had by placing the letters in the square the way I wanted them to be.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Week 6.1

The assignment for the first book jacket is to design and comp a series of three book sleeves/book jackets for related titles. The other part of the assignment was to have the book jackets to be full color, full bleed allowed, and I had to design the front, back, spine, and the front and back cover insert tabs. The concept I use for the book jackets were I had to pick a three books that were in a series, and I had to create book jackets for them. Then I drew thumbnails for the book jackets I was going to create. I had to use a concepting checklist for this project. I use a creative/production est. worksheet to write about the book jackets. I wrote on a project description sheet for the book jacket project. I use two programs for the first book jacket. This is the first book jacket I created for this project. The first program I use for this project is Quarkxpress. I use Quarkxpress to create the book jackets. The second program I use is Photoshop, and I open the picture used in Photoshop to see if it was a good picture to use. I search Google to get a picture of a Greek temple to use for the first book jacket I created.

Another thing is the reason why I chose the color red, black, and white for the first book jacket is because I felt that the colors red, black, and white would be good to used for the background for the first book jacket. I chose gold, and black for the words because I thought gold and black would make the words stand out on the background. I used two fronts for the first book jacket. I chose the first front for the book title because I felt the front would bring out the title better. I chose the second front for the description of the book. After that I did have problems with the first book jacket. The first problem I had with this project is I could not get the rectangles to stay in place the way I wanted them to. The second problem I had with the first book jacket is getting the book description on the back cover tab to be place the way I want it to be. I solved the first problems by finally getting the rectangles to be place the way I wanted them to be. I solved the second problem by finally placing the book description in place on the back cover tab. Later I went on the website to write what I thought about Charlie B. Johnson blog, and I wrote that I like the blog he had written about clients not paying graphic designers the money they are worth.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Week 5.2

The assignment fro coughing jet poster was to create a list of twenty nouns and twenty present tense verbs to form word pairs. The other part of the assignment is to choose three provocative word pairs from the twenty nouns and twenty present tense verbs. The concept I use for this poster was first I created a list of twenty noun and twenty present tense verbs. Then I had to match the twenty nouns and twenty present tense verbs together. Next I had to decide which three word pairs I wanted to use the poster, and I looked at pictures I wanted to use for the backgrounds for the coughing jet poster. The programs I used for this poster is Photoshop, Illustrator, and Quarkxpress. I use Photoshop to open the pictures I was going to used for the coughing jet poster, and I used Photoshop to change the Hue/Saturation of the pictures. I open the coughing jet poster in Illustrator to type the words on the poster. I used Quarkxpress to save the coughing jet poster as a PDF file.

Another thing is the reason why I chose the front Burlington Std is because I felt this front would make the words coughing jet stand out on the poster. After that I chose the color scheme light green, and purple-blue for the backgrounds is because I thought those colors would work good together. I used the color red for the words coughing jet is because I thought the color red made the words coughing jet stand out on the background colors yellow-green, and purple-blue. Later I had problems with the coughing jet poster. The first problem I had with this poster is picking the right pictures to use for the coughing jet poster. The second problem I had with this poster is rotating the pictures the way I wanted them to be rotated. I solved the first problem by picking the picture of metal, and cobweb to used for the backgrounds of the coughing jet poster. Also I solved the second problem by opening the pictures in Photoshop; which I used transform to rotate the pictures the way I wanted them to be rotated.


South University Columbia Student Exhibition poster assignment was to create three posters using two modular grids and one deconstruction grid to set up the designs. The other part of the assignment was to use black and red colors for the designs. I used one program for this poster. The program I created the South University Columbia Student Exhibition poster in Quarkxpress. I save the poster as PDF file in Quarkxpress. The reason why I chose the color scheme black and red is because black and red were the only colors I could use to create the designs for the South University Columbia Student Exhibition poster. Then the reason why I chose to use the Helvetica front is because I felt that this front would make words on the poster be easier to read. Another thing is this poster is the second South University Columbia Student Exhibition poster I created. I did encounter problems with this poster. The first problem I had with the South University Columbia Student Exhibition poster is I had a hard time coming up with a good design for the second poster. The second problem I had with the South University Student Exhibition poster is getting the rectangles to cover most of the positive space on the poster. I solved the first problem by finally getting good design that I could use for the poster, and I solved the second problem by getting the rectangles to rotate diagonally in the center of the poster. After that I went on a website called to look at another graphic designer blog, and I wrote what I like about the graphic desginer blog. The graphic designer name is Charlie B. Johnson, and I wrote I like the fact that he had place the pictures in center of his blog.