Monday, May 10, 2010

Week 5.2

The assignment fro coughing jet poster was to create a list of twenty nouns and twenty present tense verbs to form word pairs. The other part of the assignment is to choose three provocative word pairs from the twenty nouns and twenty present tense verbs. The concept I use for this poster was first I created a list of twenty noun and twenty present tense verbs. Then I had to match the twenty nouns and twenty present tense verbs together. Next I had to decide which three word pairs I wanted to use the poster, and I looked at pictures I wanted to use for the backgrounds for the coughing jet poster. The programs I used for this poster is Photoshop, Illustrator, and Quarkxpress. I use Photoshop to open the pictures I was going to used for the coughing jet poster, and I used Photoshop to change the Hue/Saturation of the pictures. I open the coughing jet poster in Illustrator to type the words on the poster. I used Quarkxpress to save the coughing jet poster as a PDF file.

Another thing is the reason why I chose the front Burlington Std is because I felt this front would make the words coughing jet stand out on the poster. After that I chose the color scheme light green, and purple-blue for the backgrounds is because I thought those colors would work good together. I used the color red for the words coughing jet is because I thought the color red made the words coughing jet stand out on the background colors yellow-green, and purple-blue. Later I had problems with the coughing jet poster. The first problem I had with this poster is picking the right pictures to use for the coughing jet poster. The second problem I had with this poster is rotating the pictures the way I wanted them to be rotated. I solved the first problem by picking the picture of metal, and cobweb to used for the backgrounds of the coughing jet poster. Also I solved the second problem by opening the pictures in Photoshop; which I used transform to rotate the pictures the way I wanted them to be rotated.

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