Monday, May 17, 2010

Weeek 6.2

The assignment for the brand and personal logo design is to develop our own brand and logo design. The other part of the assignment is to look at three websites that will help us get an idea how to started creating our own brand and our own logo design. The concept I use for my brand and logo design is I went to the websites that my professor told me to go to. Looking at those websites gave me the idea to look at the logo designs I created in Graphic Symbolism class. I had to write my three initials out to come up with a good logo design. After that I thought about what I wanted my brand name to be, and my brand name is TVJ Designs. TVJ Designs is a design company that creates posters and t-shirts designs. I only used one program for the brand and logo design. The program I used to create the brand and logo design is Illustrator.

Another thing is the reason why I chose the colors black and white to used for the logo design is I felt black and white would help logo design stand out. I used the color white for my three initials because I wanted to have the letters fill out the negative space of the background color I used. I chose Helvetica front because I used black for my brand name because I thought the color black would make my brand name stand out better. I used the front Helvetica because the front made my brand name and logo design stand out better. I had problems with creating a logo design. The first problem I had is I could not decide how to come up with a good logo design to create with using my three initials in my name. The second problem I had is I could not get the letters to be place in the square the way I wanted them to be. I solved the first problem by finally coming up with a logo design that would work for me. Also I solved the second problem I had by placing the letters in the square the way I wanted them to be.

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