Sunday, May 23, 2010

Week 7.2

The assignment for the circle monogram design is to create three monogram sets using your three initials, and the letters of your three initials should appear intertwined, and overlapped. The other part of the assignment is to consider positive /negative space, alignment, and value. The concept I used for this project is I drew thumbnails of my three initials in different arrangements to come up with three sets of monogram designs. I had to use three shapes like square, circle, and triangle to place the three designs in. The circle monogram design is one of the monogram designs I created in Graphic Symbolism class. I only use one program for this project. I used Illustrator to create the circle monogram design. The reason why I chose the colors black and white is because I felt the colors black and white would show the positive and negative space of the three initials of the circle monogram design.

Another thing is the front I used for this project is Lucida Calligraphy Italic. I used Lucida Calligraphy Italic front because I felt the front would fit the inside of the circle better. I had one problem with the design. The problem I had with the circle monogram design is I had a hard time fitting my three initials in the circle. I solved the problem by finally being able getting my three initials to fit the curve of the circle.

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